Part one of Hamis's story
This is Hamis, a 29 year-old man from Tanzania. Hamis is a professional computer trainer and technician with a passion for IT.
In 2012, Hamis was one of the many students who received computer training offered by our local service partner in Tanzania, ACTT (Affordable Computers and Technology Tanzania). These computer trainings are made possible through computers provided by Close the Gap. ACTT trains young adults to become computer trainers and technicians, so they can train other people in turn or find a job in IT.
Hamis studied computer training for three months. Afterwards, his interest for IT was sparked and he wanted to continue in this line of work. He wanted to keep doing exercises to increase his knowledge. The more he learned, the more he wanted to help other people discover their digital skills as well.
That’s when he started dreaming of having his own IT dealer’s office: a place where people could learn IT skills and buy computers as well.
Discover in chapter two how he achieved his dream in 2017, thanks to our service partner ACTT and their YES (Youth Entrepreneur Support) programme.