Our technical partner has oficially been certified as a B-Corporation!

Posted on Oct 19, 2023 12:00 AM by

Our Belgian refurbishment partner CTG Circular has just become the first ITAD company in Europe to become BCorp certified. From the inception of Close the Gap, this partner has helped us collect and process ICT devices so that we can give them a second life in our projects in the South.

But, we hear you think, what does B-Corp certification mean exactly? B-Corporation encompasses the idea of  ‘Benefit for all' and refers to companies' overall societal and environmental impact. By articulating accountability, upholding high environmental standards, and substantiating high social performance, certified B-Corporations pioneer in global action to achieve an inclusive, regenerative, and equitable economy. As such, B-Corp-certified companies' internal structures, business models, operations, and working processes are all assessed in order to evaluate companies' overall performance against the background of high required standards. The extent to which companies contribute to the 'Benefit for all' principle is hence rated and used to identify distinguished companies to be certified. 

Underwriting CTG Circular's Benefit-for-all efforts, we are most proud to have our technical partner B-Corp Certified! The work they carry out daily in refurbishing corporate & government ICT equipment contributes to the positive social & environmental impact we all are striving to achieve. This certification confirms CTG Circular's aim of operating sustainably, deliberately, and environmentally responsibly throughout its operations, and by doing so, creating the positive impact we all hope to achieve! 


To discover more about the B-Corporation certification, and to explore more detailed information on CTG Circular's account, please consult https://bcorporation.eu/