FOD BOSA, Documentatiecentrum Atlas and Capgemini support Close the Gap for De Warmste Week (Music for Life)

Posted on Nov 23, 2018 6:49 AM by

Every year, Studio Brussel (a Flemish radio station) organises De Warmste Week (Music for Life), a period before Christmas where people, organisations and companies can set up actions to support charities, good causes and other non-profit initiatives of their choice.

For the second year in a row, Close the Gap is listed as one of the non-profit organisations other people can support through various actions. Last year, Teamleader managed to collect 6000 euros to support Close the Gap in bridging the digital divide.

This year, three organisations have already selected Close the Gap as their cause to support. The first one is Provinciaal Documentatiecentrum Atlas, who make educational material and games available for lending. They also provide advice on these materials. The centre wanted to select a nonprofit organisation that is connected to their own workings of supporting education at large. They also acknowledge the importance of digitalisation and the combination of these two motives brought them to Close the Gap. The documentation centre will ask editors of school books, with whom they work, to donate material, which Atlas will then use in a tombola. The revenue of this action will then go to Close the Gap.

The second company that is setting up a variety of actions for Close the Gap is Capgemini. They wanted to support an organisation that helps people who don’t have access to all the knowledge and ‘making-life-easier’ qualities technology has to offer. As IT consultants, employees of Capgemini have digital close to their hearts, just like we do here at Close the Gap. Their various actions will consist of, among others, collecting old computers, letting their employees set up their own actions such as selling homemade baked goods, and putting piggy banks at the office where people can donate money.

The third organisation that decided to support Close the Gap for this charity event is the Belgian Federal Public Service Policy and Support (FOD BOSA). They organised a series of events on management and during their closing event, they invited Paul Lembrechts, CEO of VRT, a Belgian broadcasting company. Mr. Lembrechts didn’t want to be paid for his keynote during this event, but instead he asked the Federal Public Service to donate 2000€ to an organisation of their choice in context of De Warmste Week. We are very grateful that FOD BOSA selected Close the Gap as their organisation to support! Close the Gap’s Communication Director, Julie de Bergeyck, personally attended the event to accept the cheque.

We would like to offer our sincerest thanks to Documentatiecentrum Atlas, Capgemini and FOD BOSA for selecting Close the Gap as their organisation to support during this edition of De Warmste Week! With their support, we will provide educational projects in Zambia with IT material.

Check out the Music for Life website and register your own action to support Close the Gap!