Thursday, January 10, 2019
Are you a start-up, scale-up or multi-national interested in Digital for Development or looking to expand in developing or emerging countries? Close the Gap, Agoria and The Shift have the pleasure to invite you to attend an info session on D4D-related financial instruments for private sector companies.
- 10:30-11:00: Welcome coffee
- 11-00 - 12:15:
- Introducing the new Business Partnership Facility "Enterprises for SDG's" co-presented by Elke Briers from the King Baudouin Foundation, responsible for the implementation of this new matching grant opportunity for partnerships with private sector, and by Jean-Jacques Bastien from the Belgian Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (open for not-Belgian corporates too and not limited to digital-oriented initiatives)
- Presenting FINEXPO’s grant instrument for Belgian SMEs exporting for the first time to developing/emerging countries to a public client, by Mr. Joeri Colson from the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs with a testimonial from TigerPower’s Chris Prengels
- Explaining how the European Investment Plan and its integrated 3-pillar approach (Access to Finance, Technical Assistance, Investment Climate) is expected to improve the investment climate dynamics for European private sector willing to expand and invest in Africa, by Zissimos Vergos, European Commission, International Cooperation and Development.
- 12:15 – 12:45: Latest update on the D4D-Be platform by Julie de Bergeyck from Close the Gap
- 12:45 -14:00: Networking lunch, where actors of Development Cooperation are most welcome to mingle with the private sector
Agoria’s new Techlounge - Bd A. Reyers 80 - 1030 Bruxelles
Sign up here (by Jan 8, 2019) or contact, +32 493 501015.
Limited seats available. Participants will be automatically registered on, unless notified.
Note: An optional & informal roundtable will be organized from 14:00 to 15:00 where private sector actors are invited to exchange their views and perspectives on developing their businesses in Africa with Zissimos Vergos from the European Commission. Interested? Mention it in the registration form.
Read invitation in pdf-format here.