Closer look at a project: Université de Bukavu
Posted on Aug 17, 2022 9:56 AM by
We continue to bridge the digital divide. The donated and refurbished IT gets distributed across multiple valuable projects and initiatives around the globe. Today we would like to introduce you to one of these initiatives: Université de Bukavu.
Université de Bukavu is, as the name already implicates, a catholic university, located in Bukavu, D. R. Congo. It is one of the biggest universities in Bukavu, with more than 5600 students. The university contacted Close the Gap in order to receive refurbished IT devices for their students. Through Close the Gap, they were able to receive 160 laptops the students of the university, whose ages vary between 18 and 24.
The refurbished laptops are used for practical work in the courses that are being taught at the Catholic University of Bukavu, but they are also used individually at the students' homes to execute university work and prepare for the courses.
One of the students who received a laptop is currently in L2 RTL, which is the final year of university in Networks and Telecommunications. The student acquired a laptop via Close the Gap in 2019. That laptop enabled him to improve his programming skills, to write his final year paper (a report to validate 3 years of university studies) on his own, and to be completely autonomous in participating in practical lessons.
He also mentions that without this laptop, the year 2020 would have been much harder and would not have ended well for him at all. 2020 was a year where more than half of the courses were organised online because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The laptop this student received, allowed him to stay up to date and not miss out on anything.
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